Weinert Maschinenbau GmbH
Postfach 1465
D-64504 Groß-Gerau

Industriegebiet Nord
Münchener Straße 11
D-64521 Groß-Gerau
Tel. +49 (0)6152 171 84 0
Fax +49 (0)6152 171 84 29
E-mail: info@weinert-mb.de
Internet: www.weinert-mb.de

General Manager: Philipp Weinert

General Manager: Michael Weinert

Registration court: Groß-Gerau Local Court
Register No.: B 54819

VAT identification number according to § 27 a
Umsatzsteuergesetz [Value Added Tax Act]:
Tax No.: 007 248 04741
VAT – ID: DE 813 533 491



Copyright Design and Layout: home & business computing

Design, layout, texts, photos, animations and other content of the website www.weinert-mb.de are protected by copyright.
Data, information, texts, excerpts or photos published on this website may only be reproduced with the prior written and explicit consent of Weinert Maschinenbau GmbH.

Limitation of Liability

We have taken considerable care in the creation of these web pages; however, we are unable to guarantee the accuracy of all information provided.

We are not liable for damages of any kind arising from the use or in connection with the use of the information provided here, be they direct or indirect damages, consequential damages or other damages including loss of profit or damages resulting from loss of data. We reserve the right to change the information on this server, which we provide without obligation, at any time without prior announcement. Our website contains links to various sites on the internet. We hereby disassociate ourselves from content of any nature on those sites. We furthermore emphasize that we have no influence over and are therefore not responsible for the design and/or content of sites outside our domain.

Should any illegal content be disseminated on sites to which we have provided links, please inform us immediately so that we can remove those links. (info@weinert-mb.de)