The company Weinert Maschinenbau GmbH is since 2002 the worldwide leading manufacturer of Shirring- and Moistening machines. We result from the former Küko GmbH and can show over 35 years of experience.
To fulfill the increasing market requirements, we combine our longtime-experience with the continuous development of technological innovations. Only this enables us to satisfy the customer-demands so that we can manufacture for every casing and application an suitable machine. Our machines are worldwide-known and valued for the highest stability and reliability.
In the last years we were able to expand our portfolio with the following innovations …
- New development of the “V-axial”-shirring system for big calibers.
- Development and introduction of an elongated shirring machine for the shirring of shirred sticks with an length of 1000 mm.
- Development if an film-packaging system for shirred sticks.
- New development of an 3-mandrel shirring machine for small calibers.
- Advancement of the “axial”-shirring system for an bigger internal diameter of the shirred stick (BIGBORE).
- Advancement of the “4-wheel”-shirring system.
- New developed system for the simultaneous shirring of casing and wide-meshed nettings.
The delivery of more than five-hundred shirring- and moistening machines from Weinert Maschinenbau GmbH documents the achievments of the company.